I am creating this template to start writing will will eventually be an autobiography. The purpose of this will be to eventually publish, probably self publish. I would like to leave a legacy for my kids and grand kids to be able to read about my life and things I remember about my childhood and everything that leads up to today (or at the time of the writing). I will try to be as brutally honest as I can and will try not to won’t worry about embarrassments along the way. Follow this and the other post to read along as I post new. https://jasonlamb.me/blog/cat/my-story/
I plan to write a little bit as often as I can instead of large chunks that will take me long to write. This way I can keep moving. I will write in a stream of conciseness and then organize it later chronologically or some way that makes sense.
I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave comments for suggestions or memories or anything I can add or make better.