Isn't This AWESOME?
A Page With A Witty Meaningless Title October 03, 2016 at 06:05PM
What is the meaning of life? from A Page With A Witty Meaningless Title at A Page With A Witty Meaningless Titleremoved
Dear Future Girlfriend
“Dear Future Girlfriend, here’s a couple things you need to know if you want to be my one and only all the time…” This list is a living list of things I have come to know over the last 11 years of serious dating. I don’t include any girlfriends in…
A Page With A Witty Meaningless Title May 20, 2016 at 05:47AM
I dare you to like this page. There are worst pages in your list of liked pages, I’m sure. from A Page With A Witty Meaningless Title at A Page With A Witty Meaningless Titleremoved
Close Friends who are created under intense situations
A Page With A Witty Meaningless Title May 01, 2016 at 09:18PM
Every time I think of something to post on here I feel it just doesn’t fit the genre. I mean what do you post to a page that the title says it all. I get that with only 7 likes that some people will like this page for a time…
Social Experiment
I created this image above as a pure social experiment. I am not going to post anything with it. I am just going to post it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. I will also probably post it to Youtube. Here, my website is the only place that I will report…
Job vs Career
It’s interesting to me when people complain about their job. For me, I have a career, a career in Information Technology (IT). I don’t have a Monday to Friday 8-5 job. I go to work to get the “job done.” I have a task or project (usually several at a…
Do you think I am an idiot? Who uses those passwords?
I use a plugin on this site that tracks hack attempts and I just checked it and there were some odd attempts. Attempted Usernames: admin, jasonlamb,, test, username Attempted Passwords: 12345, 112233, 123456, 147852, 445566, 778899, 123456789, 123456jasonlamb, 123jasonlamb, 1q2w3e, 1q2w3e4r, 1q2w3e4r5t, a1234456, adi, admadm, admin123, Admin321, admin333, adminadmin, administrator, asdasd, batman, easytocrack1, freedom,…
A Page With A Witty Meaningless Title – 12/20/15
Ok, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, our any social media there is an appropriate time and frequency in which you should post things to your profile. This all depends ok the people that follow you. Too much and you’ll annoy them, too little and you won’t grab attention. Too soon OR…