Dear Future Girlfriend

“Dear Future Girlfriend, here’s a couple things you need to know if you want to be my one and only all the time…” This list is a living list of things I have come to know over the last 11 years of serious dating. I don’t include any girlfriends in…

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Social Experiment

I created this image above as a pure social experiment. I am not going to post anything with it. I am just going to post it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. I will also probably post it to Youtube. Here, my website is the only place that I will report…

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Job vs Career

It’s interesting to me when people complain about their job. For me, I have a career, a career in Information Technology (IT). I don’t have a Monday to Friday 8-5 job. I go to work to get the “job done.” I have a task or project (usually several at a…

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Do you think I am an idiot? Who uses those passwords?

I use a plugin on this site that tracks hack attempts and I just checked it and there were some odd attempts. Attempted Usernames: admin, jasonlamb,, test, username Attempted Passwords: 12345, 112233, 123456, 147852, 445566, 778899, 123456789, 123456jasonlamb, 123jasonlamb, 1q2w3e, 1q2w3e4r, 1q2w3e4r5t, a1234456, adi, admadm, admin123, Admin321, admin333, adminadmin, administrator, asdasd, batman, easytocrack1, freedom,…

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…Speaking of Narcissism, check out my About page UPDATE: The Numerous Blog (and iOS app) that I reference below is officially gone.  I wrote this on Facebook. To save time and not have to repeat my words I am going to copy and paste it here: I think I have…

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