Isn't This AWESOME?
Please know I think this is awesome! This is my and my page so I can say this and get away with it. If you have a problem then write a letter to your congressman.
Securing Your Domains
Izzy Tech Support
GRC Link Shorteners
The History Of My Web Domains
I will build this out chronologically and explain what I have done in the last 20 years on the web. Starting with in December 2004. December 2004 – purchase from and host on This started my journey in to web development. October 19, 2005 – purchase…
World Architecture Day & Cybersecurity: Building a Secure Foundation
It it’s not tied down…
Grandma Lamb
Remember The Fallen
Goodbye Windows 10, Hello Windows 11
Are you tired of annoying Windows 10/11 feature updates? Do you want to stay on Windows 10 instead of prompting for Windows 11? LOOK NO From the brain behind GRC (Gibson Research Corporation), Steve Gibson (twitter: @sggrc) has a tool just for you. It’s called InControl. It sets a couple of…