It’s Blogging Time

I am trying to make this site and also blog on it at the same time. They are both not working very well. I still don’t have it it the way I want, but this is my intention for the site. I want a place that I can say and post things and then use it as a jumping platform for other sites like facebook, twitter, and instagram. Well the exception is instagram. I cannot post to instagram (as of yet), but my instgram pictures will post here.

I have a coworker and friend who blogs at and he coined the term #beersandblogs and I thought it was good in principle. He wanted to have a place to be able to let loose his creative mind. He is currently limiting his blogging to his typing but I think that will soon change. The main principle is letting your mind work through your fingers and be able to share freely what is up there. I have many ideas I would like to get down on the screen and I plan on making this the place to do it.

I have been doing web design for 10 years and my creative mind has been many places and I have yet to combine those ideas into one consolidated place. This will be it. I jumped on the domain when the .me became available and I will NOT give it up. I am this domain and this domain is me. When I first was interested in web design I wanted a place to be able to reach out to my friends and now this has morphed into more of a place for me make my own place on the web.

Please be patient as I get things the way I want it. I do have big plans. I will have a photoshop/graphic design section and other webpages I have created over the years. You can go to to see my other site. If you want to find something just type it in the search and it will search the whole site. You can also go to to see what google has stored from my old site (about 974 results as of this posting).

More to come…