This is Luke!
Instagram Link:
Created: April 12, 2015 at 08:16PMremoved
This is Luke!
Instagram Link:
Created: April 12, 2015 at 08:16PMremoved
Instagram Link:
Created: March 07, 2015 at 02:07PMremoved
Ok, what is the big deal? Facebook makes your phone number searchable publicly. See the first picture. If you are my friend and know my phone number you can just put it into the search bar and it will return my Facebook profile. For my own security I have blurred out my full phone number but you can see my profile picture is the same, so hence it is me. Any one on Facebook (even people who aren’t my friends) can do this.
Searching my phone number returns my Facebook profile.
So where do I find this setting?
In closing, how is this practical? Hypothetically you are actively dating online. You get to the point that you exchange numbers with someone so you don’t have to use the default dating app or site to communicate with that person. Let’s say you want to exchange a your phone number but not really your Facebook profile.
If you have just shared your phone number it takes about 5 seconds to copy that and post it in any Facebook search via web OR mobile and it will return your profile. Good job! Now that profile picture that is not so flattering of you is viewable by that person and they have just changed their mind about going on a first date with you. That cover image of your whole family, YEP, viewable. By default profile pictures & cover images are set to public unless you specify otherwise.removed
As you meet people and the progression of the funnel ends you should know you want to date someone by the 3rd date (estimate) and then you agree to date exclusively. I hate spending so much time texting because it’s not until that face-to-face meeting (1st date) that you know if you want to continue talking to them. What happened to actually meeting people in person for dates? It would eliminate so many steps above. Online dating has turned men shallow and women scared of predators and rapist. I am the most honest respectful gentleman you will meet but you have to actually meet me before you can decide that for yourself. Online in pictures and text I can be “whoever” I want…Or whoever you want me to be. It’s hard to fool somebody in person. This virtual meeting people is driving me crazy. This philosophy is based on what I ‘have to’ do just meet someone! It’s somewhat satirical but plenty of truth behind it as well. At any point along the exclusive line that it goes sour, it’s back to SQUARE ONE.
At any point after dating exclusively you decide to break up it’s back to SQUARE ONE!
We are at it again. Here is the original image. The GIF file below will show the updated process. Check back for more and I will keep the album below updated with each revision. Enjoy. Comment for suggestions and you might see them in a future revision.
This is the animation that I will keep updated with the current edits to this. See how the edits are done below. Add your comments for edit suggestions to see if Matt or Jason will include them in a future revision.
Matt started off the project by picking the picture to the right. We then take turns editing the picture and modifying it in some way. See the gallery below of each modification. The updates are alternating between Matt and Jason starting with Matt. The file names are listed by revision number and name of person to revised it. (0 Original.jpg, 1 Matt.jpg, 2 Jason.jpg, etc…)
You can also see the Facebook album at
Here is the source images, comparison, and rules for this project.
I was curios how much of the lovely internet I was using in a given time. The report I was able to pull up was quite revealing. I have Time Warner and my speeds are 20mbps download and 2mbps upload. I was curious how much do I use given a certain amount of time. I was able to see usage starting from May 4th, 2014. I guess Time Warner doesn’t allow the user to see any usage longer than 5 months or maybe they just don’t keep track.
Over the course of this time I used 1093 GB (gigabytes) of data. That is 1.07 TB (terabytes)! I have my TV hooked as my monitor to my computer and I do not pay for cable TV so everything I watch comes from the internet via streaming or other methods. Also, as soon as I get to my house my two iPhones (one for work and one for personal), and one iPad connects to my Wi-Fi. Between my work laptop, home desktop, 2 iPhones, and an ipad I have 5 devices that are always connected to my internet connection when I am home. When I am away from home my desktop is always on. All that being said I am going to get deep with some of these numbers because I love math and, well, let’s face it, I am a nerd.
I have figured out that I use 87.3 kb per second. That is like downloading this picture (my face) every second of every day for 5 months. Yes, this image file is 87.3 kb in size. I actually took the time in photoshop carefully sized it down to that size. If you take in consideration that I had my internet shut off for 20 days while I was on vacation. Then you take the original 152 days from May 4th to Oct 3rd;and get 132 days. If you take the 1093 GB divided by the 132 days you get 100.5kb per second. That is like downloading this image of my eye every second for 132 days. Bored yet? As you can see below the amount of data in GB, MB, KB per DAY, HOUR, MIN, SEC.
To sum it all up, I was kind of impressed with how much data I used and the fact that I could see that data usage in a nice little chart. Below are the actual screenshots from the data charts from Time Warner’s website. If you have Time Warner you can see your data by downloading the MyServices section on iOS or Android. UPDATE: They have moved this function to a mobile app.
Usage by DAY from 5/4/14 to 10/3/14
[This chart is best viewed when clicked and once it loads clicking it again to expand to full size.]
Usage by MONTH (May to Oct)
Usage by DAY (September)
Usage by HOUR (Sept. 17th)
I hope you enjoyed this very nerdy look into my internet usage data. Let me know what you think below in the comments section.