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Do Not Do This

Photo Credit: https://howtoremove.guide/p-s-s-s-s-n-wireless-network/

Do NOT join this network if you see it. Once you do it will brick your iPhone and will need a Reset Network Settings to fix. iOS Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
(NOTE: if you need to click ‘Reset Network Settings” you won’t lose any data or files on your phone except you will lose any saved Wi-Fi networks and passwords.)

Photo Credit: Jason Lamb

There is a bug in the text parser in iOS that tries to interpret the % as an escape character. %20 is often used in URLs and JavaScript to identify space between words. You can see a full list of URL encodes here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.ASP

You can play with this 074%097%115%111%110%032%076%097%109%098%032%105%115%032%065%087%069%083%079%077%069%033 and decode it here: http://www.unit-conversion.info/texttools/ascii/

Start this video at 22:58 to hear Steve talk about this vulnerability.

You can check out Steve Gibson’s show notes from this episode here: https://www.grc.com/sn/sn-824-notes.pdf or the written transcript of that episode here: https://www.grc.com/sn/sn-824.htm

Also read: https://howtoremove.guide/p-s-s-s-s-n-wireless-network/

My Story – Why

I am creating this template to start writing will will eventually be an autobiography. The purpose of this will be to eventually publish, probably self publish. I would like to leave a legacy for my kids and grand kids to be able to read about my life and things I remember about my childhood and everything that leads up to today (or at the time of the writing). I will try to be as brutally honest as I can and will try not to won’t worry about embarrassments along the way. Follow this and the other post to read along as I post new. https://jasonlamb.me/blog/cat/my-story/

I plan to write a little bit as often as I can instead of large chunks that will take me long to write. This way I can keep moving. I will write in a stream of conciseness and then organize it later chronologically or some way that makes sense.

I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave comments for suggestions or memories or anything I can add or make better.

Website Retool and Updates

UPDATE 5/23/23: Still testing the store. Still posting some random posts. Enhancing site security.

Update 12/1/22: I have added a new domain to my collection: jasonlamb.co

Update 10/1/22: I have added a store. It isn’t much right now but I hope to sell things on this site and thought I should get it up and running to have it in case I needed it. Testing now… If you want to play too then go buy my logo for $0.01.

Update 9/15/22: I have added a new short link site using jasr.me. For example jasr.me/fb goes to my Facebook page.

Update 8/15/22: I have fixed jasrasr.com which previously had to many redirects due to cloudflare misconfiguration and hostinger. MY BAD

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