Dear Future Girlfriend

“Dear Future Girlfriend, here’s a couple things you need to know if you want to be my one and only all the time…”

This list is a living list of things I have come to know over the last 11 years of serious dating. I don’t include any girlfriends in or before High School and I didn’t do much dating in the Army. Shortly before turning 22, I met a girl and then less than a year later we were married. That was my first of many mistakes in dating. I don’t regret much in my life and try to learn from everything that happens. Here is my list and note to my future girlfriend. I am not ashamed or afraid to say that I want to be married again so that future girlfriend could be my future wife. (More on this in another posting. – note to self to write more on this, lol)

  • Don’t be crazy.
    • This one is self explanatory!
  • Make it easy to date you.
    • No guy wants to be forced to act like a boyfriend. They just want to do what they want and love you the best way they know how.
  • Laugh at my all my jokes
    • Don’t force it but if you think something is funny then don’t be afraid to laugh.
  • Recursively, make me laugh
    • I have a very loose sense of humor, this won’t be hard
  • Accept Sarcasm as a second language
    • If you don’t know it then learn it, quickly.
  • Makeup – less is better
    • I get it that women these days feel they need makeup, and it’s not that I don’t appreciate the way you look but know what looks good and how to enhance your features without adding a whole new layer of skin. Later on when this comes off I don’t want to date two different people.
  • Accept my son. Period.
    • You don’t have to love him, initially, but if you aren’t absolutely sure you can date/marry a guy with a kid then I have no purpose dating you. Simple.
  • Don’t afraid to hold my hand or let me kiss you in public.
  • Updated 8-29-16

I will add to this list as I think of things to add…

If you are wondering, yes, I know this is the public internet and anything I post on here could be read by anyone in the world, but this is my blog…How could you expect me not to be extremely personal on a website with my namesake? Jason Lamb dot ME!