Internet Usage

I was curios how much of the lovely internet I was using in a given time. The report I was able to pull up was quite revealing. I have Time Warner and my speeds are 20mbps download and 2mbps upload. I was curious how much do I use given a certain amount of time. I was able to see usage starting from May 4th, 2014. I guess Time Warner doesn’t allow the user to see any usage longer than 5 months or maybe they just don’t keep track.87-3

Over the course of this time I used 1093 GB (gigabytes) of data. That is 1.07 TB (terabytes)! I have my TV hooked as my monitor to my computer and I do not pay for cable TV so everything I watch comes from the internet via streaming or other methods. Also, as soon as I get to my house my two iPhones (one for work and one for personal), and one iPad connects to my Wi-Fi. Between my work laptop, home desktop, 2 iPhones, and an ipad I have 5 devices that are always connected to my internet connection when I am home. When I am away from home my desktop is always on. All that being said I am going to get deep with some of these numbers because I love math and, well, let’s face it, I am a nerd.

I have figured out that I use 87.3 kb per second. That is like downloading this picture (my face) every second of every day for 5 months. Yes, this image file is 87.3 kb in size. I actually took the time in photoshop carefully sized it down to that size. eye100-5If you take in consideration that I had my internet shut off for 20 days while I was on vacation. Then you take the original 152 days from May 4th to Oct 3rd;and get 132 days. If you take the 1093 GB divided by the 132 days you get 100.5kb per second. That is like downloading this image of my eye every second for 132 days. Bored yet? As you can see below the amount of data in GB, MB, KB per DAY, HOUR, MIN, SEC.


To sum it all up, I was kind of impressed with how much data I used and the fact that I could see that data usage in a nice little chart. Below are the actual screenshots from the data charts from Time Warner’s website. If you have Time Warner you can see your data by downloading the MyServices section on iOS or Android. UPDATE: They have moved this function to a mobile app.

Usage by DAY from 5/4/14 to 10/3/14
[This chart is best viewed when clicked and once it loads clicking it again to expand to full size.]full history

Usage by MONTH (May to Oct)
monthly usage

Usage by DAY (September)
daily usage
Usage by HOUR (Sept. 17th)
hourly usage

I hope you enjoyed this very nerdy look into my internet usage data. Let me know what you think below in the comments section.

It’s Blogging Time

I am trying to make this site and also blog on it at the same time. They are both not working very well. I still don’t have it it the way I want, but this is my intention for the site. I want a place that I can say and post things and then use it as a jumping platform for other sites like facebook, twitter, and instagram. Well the exception is instagram. I cannot post to instagram (as of yet), but my instgram pictures will post here.

I have a coworker and friend who blogs at and he coined the term #beersandblogs and I thought it was good in principle. He wanted to have a place to be able to let loose his creative mind. He is currently limiting his blogging to his typing but I think that will soon change. The main principle is letting your mind work through your fingers and be able to share freely what is up there. I have many ideas I would like to get down on the screen and I plan on making this the place to do it.

I have been doing web design for 10 years and my creative mind has been many places and I have yet to combine those ideas into one consolidated place. This will be it. I jumped on the domain when the .me became available and I will NOT give it up. I am this domain and this domain is me. When I first was interested in web design I wanted a place to be able to reach out to my friends and now this has morphed into more of a place for me make my own place on the web.

Please be patient as I get things the way I want it. I do have big plans. I will have a photoshop/graphic design section and other webpages I have created over the years. You can go to to see my other site. If you want to find something just type it in the search and it will search the whole site. You can also go to to see what google has stored from my old site (about 974 results as of this posting).

More to come…

Site Updates

Is a website really done? I am continually adding more to this site. This is my pride and joy and I don’t think I will ever call it finished as far as design goes. I will continue to post updates on this post but know I will never be fully satisfied with the final result. As soon as I am satisfied there is probably another redesign on the way.  This domain is under construction. I will remove this one I am happy with the design. I will still be posting content during the design phase.

NEXT – create menu with links to my other websites and friends websites; continually look for awesome plugins/widgets that add interesting but not intrusive design or functionality feature to website

5-1-16 – I continue to make changes to the look and feel of this website. I am constantly looking for new ways to improve it. I am also trying to constantly post new stuff to it that I find interesting, and maybe you will too.

1/22/15 – Created simple header image for site, more categories and tags created for appropriate content, started posting photoshop shared editing and faceoff projects

9/23/14 – Updated sliders and columns on presentation (front) page; sliders and columns currently show random post from instagram category; updated widgets on all other pages, removed default text for theme extra text areas, modify meta links for login and rss feeds; installed hashbuddy widget to make all #hashtags linkable

9/21/14 – created ifttt recipes to automatically post to facebook and twitter once a blog post is published; created ifttt recipe to automatically create blog post when instgram picture is posted or tweet on twitter is tweeted

9/19/14 – upload instagram pictures from post to add to each post as featured image