Isn't This AWESOME?
A Page With A Witty Meaningless Title – 10/29/15
Facebook made this page unpublished because of inactivity. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again, for no particular and meaningless reason. from A page with a witty meaningless title via IFTTTremoved
When you’re still at work at the 12 hour mark. ? #TooPissedToThinkOfABetterHashtag
When you’re still at work at the 12 hour mark. ? #TooPissedToThinkOfABetterHashtag Instagram Link: Created: August 27, 2015 at 08:25PM
If you know what this is, we can definitely be friends.
If you know what this is, we can definitely be friends. Instagram Link: Created: August 23, 2015 at 07:59PM
#share4adoption Because Wendy told me to.
#share4adoption Because Wendy told me to. Instagram Link: Created: August 06, 2015 at 01:59PM
Cedar Point GIFs
Technically the file type is pronounced “jiffs” like “jello” but I prefer a hard G like “gifts”. Here are a couple I made from my lovely iPhone 6 multi-shoot camera. I then converted them to gif format with the help of photoshop and a website. removed
Sometimes you need a Five Guys Friday to close out the work week!
Sometimes you need a Five Guys Friday to close out the work week! Created: June 26, 2015 at 12:45PM
Christian Dating Poem
I still have an older website that I don’t do much on but keep around because there are so many things on there that I created. Some are public, some are searchable, some are hidden. There is also a blog that I started and a poem page that I uploaded…
The endless hallway…
The endless hallway… Created: May 14, 2015 at 04:29PM
This is Luke!
This is Luke! Instagram Link: Created: April 12, 2015 at 08:16PMremoved