I am defining Microsoft 365 Outlook app on your computer vs Outlook Web Access via https://outlook.office.com/mail/.
Here is a side-by-side comparison and I bet you can’t tell which is which? There are only subtle differences. This is a screenshot from my 2 24″ monitors and on my work account with Microsoft E3 license with Office build version 2311.

It’s pretty easy to see that Microsoft is wanting no difference between your installed app and your web app versions. I can bet this is for easier development. I can also bet you that the install outlook is actually running on some emulated html code unlike other actually installed apps. You can tell this when it loads and also the settings page.

There is one way to tell which screenshot is which but I don’t want to spoil the fun of you guessing. And no, I am not using some special version of Microsoft insider preview build.
Leave a comment below with your guess on which is the Desktop App or the Online Version?