Things I need to finish

I have started several blog postings and never finish them. I have great ideas and sometimes even get out of bed to start writing because I don’t want to lose the train of thought. I need some motivation to pick up some of these postings and finish writing them. Most of them just need a little graphic to tie it altogether. People who write novels as blog entries and never add any graphic material tend to bore me. You need a picture to break things up.

And I don’t mean graphic like bloody or nude. I am talking about an image. Get your mind out of the gutter.

adjective: graphic
  1. relating to visual art, especially involving drawing, engraving, or lettering.
    “his mature graphic work”
    synonyms: visualsymbolicpictorialillustrativediagrammaticMore
    • giving a vivid picture with explicit detail.
      “he gave a graphic description of the torture”
      synonyms: vividexplicitexpressivedetailedMore
      relating to or denoting a visual image.
      “graphic information such as charts and diagrams”
  2. of or in the form of a graph.
    of or denoting rocks having a surface texture resembling cuneiform writing.

noun: graphic; plural noun: graphics
  1. a graphical item displayed on a screen or stored as data.
    synonyms: pictureillustrationimage